untangling the web
You see, I started out with such high intentions,
I was going to do so much for you,
I was going to make a difference to the world – with your help, of course.
But life took over,
each day with its demands and chores,
its laughter and disappointments
and nothing happened.
I’m still here, seemingly doing so little,
tied up in the concerns of each day.
It makes me mad because this is not what I want to be doing.
But I only have one life,
I just feel I’m wasting it.
Stop striving, my child,
trying to be something, someone you’re not.
Rest in me. Take my hand.
Follow where I lead.
Only you can take your path in life,
only you can meet the people along that way –
my will can be achieved in big leaps,
but more often it is accomplished in small steps,
little acts of obedience,
kind words,
thoughtful actions,
small acts of courage,
affirmations of justice.
When I want you to move, I will tell you.
Till then, keep faithful exactly where you are.