untangling the web
Prayer, they say, is talking and listening.
Reading God’s Word is, well, reading and listening.
Oh Lord, even when I have time,
I want to fast-track everything:
read that, prayed that, visited so-and-so, done the admin, ticked the box on the list.
On to the next ‘task’.
Being still and open to you is hard,
but not impossible.
Like all worthwhile things,
it does take time and effort,
focus and perseverance.
I need to come to the Bible, your Word,
not like any other book.
I need to expect you to speak to me
from the words on the page.
I need to give you
my full attention.
“Zip the lips” they say in counselling classes:
one mouth and two ears.
Lord, help me to focus on you more,
to say a prayer,
to read some Scripture verse,
and not pass on immediately.
Give me space to listen.
Listen hard.
Listen well.
To whatever you have to say to me.